How to write a great category description

Category descriptions are normally short texts to describe a particular type of product. This is not generic content since category descriptions should sell by nature; unlike a product description that normally would mention a specific product, brand or campaign.

The most common issue with this type of content is that it contains too much information about other things than the actual category, or the text resembles an article or a guide.

A category description should always introduce what the category is about by describing the products in an evergreen manner without mentioning campaigns, specific brands, or prices, which may change over time. To be successful, you have to read carefully the instructions for each particular task, and you must follow this specific method of work:


Follow the client’s instructions

If there are any examples or external inspiration links, read these carefully. The client has a clear idea of what they expect to receive; therefore you need to follow the inspirational links and any other instructions exactly.

Follow the client’s instructions when using the keywords the client wants, but do not overuse them. Keywords work better when they are strategically placed in the text and with variations and long-tails.


Research before you begin

Identify the target audience, and adapt your style accordingly. You need to research the subject to know which words to choose when writing. The reader expects you to convey expertise about the specific items in the given category. You still need to be able to write in a concise way and to the point. 

A category description must be easy to read and understand. All content has to be unique and distinct. Do not “borrow” any material from other sites or printed material. Instead, learn from your research material and write your text in your wording.


Structure and writing style

Highlight the company’s supply, and describe how the products and the company (in this case, you should write in a “we” or “us” perspective) can assist by mentioning how “we” in this case can help “you”, the reader. Make sure that virtually every sentence in your text is solution-based on how the reader can benefit from the supply that the company can offer the reader.

There is more than one way to describe things. The challenge is to find the tone that highlights features the reader is looking for whilst still being friendly and inviting. Selling is not the same as pushing. Instead, look for weaknesses in the material from competitors’ sites and use this as an opportunity to write better content.


Ten tips on how to write a successful category description

Be informative, and above all, keep it accurate and level with reality. Using superlative wording and promising unrealistic results will do more harm than good. If you follow these tips, it will get easier for you to create a well-written category description every time:

  1. Keep your H1 concise. Perhaps only the category is enough.
  2. Always remember to include the category subject in the first paragraph.
  3. Make sure to use synonyms so the text will not be repetitive.
  4. Always address the reader directly and as an individual.
  5. Transition words are essential for overall fluency and readability.
  6. Do not write passive forms. The reader always experiences the text “now”.
  7. Instead, write positively, honestly, and correct information. 
  8. Make your headings engaging; make sure they reflect the content.
  9. Do not mention sales or discounts. Keep the product description evergreen.
  10. Never capitalize words in paragraphs unless they are part of a trademark or similar.



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Happy writing, and good luck!

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