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Happy writing and stay awesome!
What does “Return” mean?
These are the tasks that have not been approved by the proofreader and have been sent back to you to make some changes. Don’t worry, this happens, and receiving feedback is super helpful for you as it’ll help you master your technique even more. All you need to do next is complete the necessary changes and send the task again within 24 hours. The timeline is tight because we are approaching the client deadline.
How do I check Copyscape results?
Please make sure the article passes Copyscape before you send it on to the next phase. If you scroll down the information column on the left of the page, underneath the tabs for ‘send’ ‘return’ ‘drop’ etc, you will see Copyscape. If there is ‘No’ next to Copyscape it means there is an issue. Please click on the ‘No’ and you will be directed to webpage that contains matching text. Once you’ve seen the issue, you can send the task back to writer explaining what needs to be fixed.
Why have some of my tasks been rejected?
Unfortunately, something hasn’t been done 100% correctly and needs some changes. This might be due to repeated spelling mistakes, bad grammar, tone not correct for the text, text sounding non-native, etc. Not to worry, you will be given feedback on what you need to change so have a read and then you can make the necessary corrections so it can get approved!